Using the Member Portal

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Your Profile

Edit all of your profile information from one screen!

In the “Your Account” menu, you can add a photo and cover image, complete your Personal and Professional profiles, and list your Social Media links.

Make sure to select the option to list your profile in the directory to take full advantage of networking opportunities. NOTE: Only Members have access to the directory, though this option shows in all accounts.

View your unique check-in pincode or change your password in the “Your Password” section. NOTE: Unfortunately, you cannot change or customize your pincode at this time.

Make sure you customize your notifications so you only receive the emails you actually want. HINT: As a member, it is in your best interest to “receive occasional and relevant updates” from us to stay abreast of office closures, emergencies, and general important announcements. We hate spam as much as you do, so such emails will be infrequent!

Next: Your Plan and Billing Info